Saturday, September 19, 2009

Spinning my hate

Okay, so technically, I think I'm late for this spin cycle, but it has been one of those weeks, 'kay?

The Girl is in fouth grade this year, which is the end of elementary school in our town. At The Girl's school, every year, there is a fourth grade "Moving On" ceremony at the end of the year. So, during the first week of school we get a paper home looking for volunteers for organizing said ceremony. "Volunteers Make a Difference!" "We can't do this without volunteers!!" So, I put my name on the piece of paper and send it back in to school. I get an e-mail that the first few meetings will be at 9:00AM on Thursdays . . .
So, apparently, the only help that is wanted is the help of the clique of stay at home moms that have their mitts into everything and complain that they have to do it all?!
Consider me really, really irked.
I don't HATE these people, I HATE that they just don't get it. I hate that they don't have any comprehension that there are those of us out here that don't have the luxury of being stay at home moms. We HAVE TO go to work. We WANT to help. We WANT to be involved. Don't make it so G D difficult for us to be involved and don't complain that you have to do it all.

That is all . . .

Check out more weekly spins at Sprite's Keeper!

1 comment:

  1. Would you believe the volunteering is what scares me the most for when Sprite starts going to school? In my county, you're supposed to volunteer at least once a month. Um, working mom, how am I supposed to arrange that? Oy! Sorry for the lateness, my holiday weekend just ended an hour ago! You're linked!
