Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I Really Am Really Thankful

I've been in a funk, can't get out of my own way.  I feel lousy physically, I feel not myself mentally.  (Yeah, I'm going to the doctor.  I'm going to get my thyroid levels checked today, since I've had that issue for a long time.  I don't think they're off, but I need to rule it out.)  I have no patience for anything, including my family.  I'm snippy, tired and bitchy.

All in all, I've been feeling pretty sorry for myself. 
Enough of that.  Today, I'm thinking of all the good in my life.
I have a great husband who I love dearly, who loves me even when I'm feeling lousy and being a bitch. 
I have a wonderful daughter who is the center of my world.  I love her more than I can say, and she loves me back (she's not a teenager yet!) and that makes me feel ten feet tall.
The Mailman, The Girl and I have no major medical issues.  
The Mailman and I both have jobs, right now with no looming threats of losing them.
I have a terrific family, and am lucky enough to have many of them live close by.
I have a comfortable home, more than we need, with many more things than we need in it.  (Okay, we've got squirrels, too, and I'm NOT thankful for them!)
I have friends that are like family, that I love and who keep me sane.

And the rest, well, the rest is just gravy. 

Happy Thanksgiving.

1 comment:

  1. Well, there you go. You are setting a wonderful example for all of us.
