Why am I working at home you ask? Excellent question! The painter is here to . . . wait for it . . . FINISH the bathroom project!! How happy am I? VERY. Having a shiny new shower that I was advised not to use until the new plaster and wood was painted has been like torture. The only bonus has been listening to The Girl when she's showering in the downstairs bathroom. She talks, she sings - it can be quite entertaining.
Usually when I work from home, I put my work laptop on the kitchen table. Today, because the sewing machine is on the kitchen table, I have my work laptop on the desk where my home Mac is. I keep using the wrong mouse and/or keyboard. I might have to move the sewing machine and move my laptop to the kitchen table. This is getting annoying.
December? Are you kidding me? I'm so not ready for it to be December.
The UPS guy is going to hate me. I'm doing most of my Christmas shopping online. I have no patience for shopping in stores anymore.
Hey, Keeley? We've got a mouse, too. We seem to get one or two this time every year. I found his telltale leavings by the cat food. The Mailman set a trap, but so far, the little bastard has eluded us. I'm waiting for the middle of the night cat scramble to wake me up. Always a good time.
Have a happy Tuesday everyone. Go see
Keeley for more randomness. Don't worry, its safe. She only traps little things and zombies.
I wish I could have a new shower put in my bathroom. Enjoy yours!
ReplyDeleteHave a great RTT!
Gah, mice. I lose my mind if there's a cockroach within a ten foot radius, a rodent? I can't even wrap my mind around that one. Coincidentally, I can't wrap my mind around holiday shopping either. Oh the pressure. ;)
ReplyDeleteHappy RTT.
Yes, it IS December. I have to do my shopping in the stores since my neighbors have been known to go through any packages left on my doorstep. While they're awfully neighborly to look after my packages, they're terrible about giving them back. So, shopping for me!