Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Another Pleasant Valley (Random) Tuesday


I think it has been a couple of days since I mentioned it (coincidentally days that I was NOT in the office?  Don't think so . . .), but it is really annoying to read blogs, think of a nice/witty/caustic/charming comment and then realize "Shit, I can't comment on blogs from work anymore."  I tell myself that I'll go back when I get home, but by the time I get to it, all of my nice/witty/caustic/charming comments have left my head and all I can think of is "Shit, I think I forgot to switch the wash."
Two, yup, two Boston radio stations are 24/7 holiday music now.  They each started some time last week.  Last year, one of them started on November 1st, way to early, so this year they split the difference, I guess.  The Girl is ecstatic, The Mailman not so much.  Me, I'm sort of "meh" at this point.  I'll pop over during commercials and inane chatter on the other stations, but it still seems a bit early to me.  They used to start Thanksgiving week, which sort of made sense.  
Marshmallow Fluff has to be one of the BEST INVENTIONS EVER.  My condolences to those of you that have never experienced Fluff (I know it isn't available everywhere).  Other marshmallow cremes just don't compare.  
I feel like I'm being set up to fail at work.  My colleague and I have been given a project that is going to suck and most likely suck the life out of me.  I've told my boss that I'm uncomfortable with the scope, that there are parts of this that we don't have the technical expertise to deal with and he assures me that I'll get the help I need.  I just have a really bad feeling . . . It won't be really kicking off until after the holidays, so I'm going to try not to think about it too much.
The Halloween candy is almost gone, just in time for the Thanksgiving baking to begin.  I bought an outrageously expensive cake pan from Williams-Sonoma after Captain Dumbass posted a picture of it in his guest blog.  Of course, for its maiden voyage on Thanksgiving, I also bought the even more outrageously expensive cake and filling mix as well.  I believe that in making the two I will use 3-4 sticks of butter.  Just contact the cardiac unit now and let them know to expect my entire family next Thursday evening.
I'm feeling a bit under the weather this evening, hope I'm not turning into a zombie getting the flu.  The Girl and I are going to hunker down and watch "Merry Madagascar."
Have a pleasant Tuesday evening, go see The UnMom for more random stuff.


  1. Too bad your cardiac unit is in so far away, or our families could get together. No cake here, but Darling Daughter and I are going to take a stab at making apple strudel from scratch, and of course there will be the obligatory pumpkin and pecan pies. Along with all of the other excesses of the feast.

    I can't get Marshmallow Fluff. I feel absolutely cheated now.

  2. I really am not ready for the Christmas music yet. I figure I'll be ready some time in 2010 maybe?

    Are there other marshmallow creams aside from Fluff? I thought Fluff was it. I can't keep it in the house. The kids will walk around with heaping spoonfuls of it all day, licking it like cats.

    Happy RTT! Good luck with the job assignment.
