Sunday, February 14, 2010

We lost one of the Good Guys yesterday.

Fifteen years ago, when my sister became engaged, if someone had told me how much a part of MY life her fiance's parents would be, I would have thought they were crazy. Sure, these were people that I would get to know, would see at functions for my sister her husband and eventually her kids, but they would be on the edge of my life. How wrong I was. These people took us all into their family. When the grandkids did come, they became Grammy and Papa to them, The Girl included. When we had celebrations for The Girl for her Christening and First Communion, they were included, without a moment's thought. When I was expecting The Girl, Papa remembered from being at our little, old Cape that we had steam radiators. He made us beautiful covers for them, so that when she started crawling we wouldn't have to worry. (When we moved out, I was heartbroken to leave them, but they would have done us no good at our new house, even if we had radiators. They were custom fitted, "leveled" to our tilted old floors. At the closing, the new owners commented on them, and thanked us for leaving them. I told them that they had been specially made for us and I knew I was leaving them in good hands.) We helped Grammy pull off Papa's surprise 70th birthday party, setting everything up at their house while they were at a family dinner celebration, and we truly surprised him, which was truly a feat to be proud of.

Papa died unexpectedly yesterday morning, a seemingly healthy 71 years old. He went in his sleep and apparently didn't suffer, although they don't know the ultimate cause. He had a heart attack 20 years ago or so, but since then has taken excellent care of himself and has showed no signs of slowing down. To say that this was and is a shock is a huge understatement.

I spent the day yesterday with my sister's kids, trying to keep up a strong front because they hadn't yet been told. My sister held it together and realized that she couldn't tell them and then leave them, and she and my brother in law needed to go and be with Grammy. I was there to supposedly get them to basketball games and such while they thought that Papa was sick and in the hospital. I was really there to answer the phone as word got out and shield them until they could hear this horrible news from their parents.

I was so proud of The Girl yesterday, for being strong and being such a good friend to her cousin, K. The Girl is two years older, but they are great friends and I'm so glad that they have each other. I found them in the playroom yesterday afternoon, K sobbing, The Girl holding her, looking so grown up, with tears coming down her face, rubbing K's back. I'm worried about my nephew, T, who is 13. He has been stone faced since finding out, and I wonder if he'll get to a point where he just can't hold it in anymore. Being 13 is so hard.

Papa, you will be sorely missed, and this will be a very difficult week as we try to say goodbye to you. The Mailman, The Girl and I are lucky and honored to have been part of your "Family." I know that there will be many tears this week, but I also know that there will be many, many laughs, and I'm sure a few good semi-dirty jokes in your honor. We love you.