Wow, it has been a long time since I posted. It isn't that I haven't had random thoughts on any given Tuesday, I guess I just haven't put fingers to keyboard when they hit.
We haven't had much in the way of "big" snow here yet. Is it wrong that I want a big storm? I guess what I really want is a big storm on a Saturday night so that none of us needs to worry about getting anywhere. The Mailman needs to keep up with that whole "Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds" thing.
The Mailman actually WALKS his mail route. No little square truck for him! The neighborhoods that he delivers in are in an older, hilly part of the city (not where we live), so the mail is delivered into the slots on or by the doors of most of the houses, some of which have 20-30 steps leading up to them. You'd think he'd be in good shape, wouldn't you? Not so much (but I can't imagine how bad it would be if he had a desk job!). He told me that he's going to go on a diet, and the thing that kills me is that he'll just cut out some junk and will drop 10-15 pounds. Grrrrrrrr.
When I saw the news last night, they were predicting that we'd be getting a foot or so of snow on Wednesday into Thursday. This morning, they're saying 5-8 inches of snow. Who knows what they'll be saying tonight or what we'll actually get. I think they overpredict early so that they can sit back and laugh at all of the people running around like nuts buying bread and milk like they'll never see the light of day again.
I bought myself some new "fitness" sneakers last week, the Avia version of the Sketchers Shape-ups. I tried both on, and the Avia seemed to fit better (and is plain white, not some crazy combination of colors like the Sketches). I figured I'd give them a try, what can it hurt? My BUTT, that's what it can hurt!! I wore them a few hours the first day, and I could really feel it the next morning. I'm not saying that these will be the answer to all my *ahem* issues, but they are sure working something.
The Girl fights me every time I tell her to take a shower, yet once she gets in there, she starts singing and then we need to keep yelling up to her to finish up and get out. She was completely amazed the other day when I told her that we had to pay for water. Oh, to be ten . . .
I'm trying to convince The Mailman that we should hire a cleaner to come every two weeks. So far he's not buying into it, but I'm working him. You see, I hate house cleaning, I'm a terrible housekeeper and I don't want to spend my time that I'm not a work dusting baseboards and scrubbing toilets. I know it isn't essential, but I really think it will do a lot for my state of mind. Plus, I have a hard enough time keeping up with laundry. (On a side note, I have no idea how people with a bunch of kids keep up with the laundry - it is just the three of us, and sometimes I feel like I'm being buried alive. I have three siblings and my grandmother lived with us, and I don't remember having this much laundry when I was a kid.)
Do people actually LIKE green tea? Am I the only one that think it sort of tastes like sock water? I drink a lot to tea at work because it is freezing in my office, so I figured I'd try some green tea, since it is supposed to have good stuff in it. My physical therapist recommended one with blueberries, which isn't too bad, and I bought one with pomegranate which is okay, but they are still pretty blah.
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